Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Rhetoric or Something Sinister

Fifth Column v Fourth Reich

Life had barely started to normalise after the dreadful tragedy in Manchester, we were faced with another horror in London, where three men went on rampage killing seven and injuring dozens more. This slaughter of innocents, who were going about their life has been condemned and sympathies offered by all, whatever their race, religion and political leanings. This incident has united people from all communities who showed defiance in  face of such horror and terror.

However, this condemnation is not universal and people have tried to make capital out of the tragedy and hurt of the families affected by this tragedy. These people neither condemned nor offered condolences or sympathies to the families of the victims. Families who despite loss of their precious loved ones refuse to adopt the hateful rhetoric and appeal for unity.

We saw their beautiful and emotional tributes to their lost family members. For example sister of James McMullen who lost his life in the London Attack said “hatred is the refuge of small minded individuals and will only breed more. This is not the course we will follow despite our loss." Such beautiful views only get one airing during the live broadcast. After that they are edited out by the Media like BBC, Sky etc. The printed press does not publish such views at all.

The people who do get airing and column inches are the one who incite and hate and divisive agenda. These people are like vultures who feed on the human misery and excrete poisonous bile. Their poisonous rhetoric doesn’t need any excuse as it has been going on for years. However, to make fun of the grieving families and communities for lighting candles and standing together is a new low even for these ultra right individuals and their sponsors.

Their rhetoric has now got traction and support from new faces as well as the usual quarters. The fully fledged attack on Islam and Muslims has moved from the internet based blogs and “magazines” to the mainstream print media. Richard Littlejoh, Rob Liddle are all writing about it. Their articles are heavy on rhetoric and full of inaccuracies and false rhetoric. They have been published in the Daily Mail, Spectator etc. some been copies and published in full on sites like .     

People are openly talking about internment and British Guantanamo Bay. Even our political leaders like Theresa May are talking about removing Human Rights, liberties, disproportionate sentences and more. Then we have the intervention by the President of the United States criticising the Mayor of London. This intervention is not the first one as he did the same during the Westminster attack. As previously Trump did not offer any condolences to the families.

The question is why the President criticise the Prime Minister or the Mayor of London for terrorist attacks. The answer has to be that his extraordinary attack is based solely on the religion and race of the London Mayor. The other reason may be why Trump didn’t react in same manor to the Manchester tragedy was because he was away from his advisors like Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka who hold neo Nazi views.      

This rise of these purveyors of hate and white supremacy to the echelons of power should worry us all whatever your race religion. Anyone thinking that these people are simply criticising Islam should consider the associated rhetoric. When these people and their allies like Geerat Wilders talk about Moroccan scum and attack people on the bases of the ethnic or nationality heritage of their citizens they are not criticising a religion or any ideology but they are attacking wider ethnic minorities.

You expect religion based white supremacists like KKK to have disparaging views about the non whites but when new atheist’s views merge with such people, you know the dangers of their rhetoric. For example Sam Harris is currently promoting work that suggests that blacks have lower intelligence than the whites. He is not the first one to suggest such abhorrent “science”, Richard Dawkins has also made similar comparisons that Jews and Christians have won more Nobel prizes than Muslims. Richard Dawkins is of course talking about white Western and not African, South American, Middle Eastern or Asian Christians or Jews.  

Then there is the role of the media and Prime time airing of hateful views of people like Bill Maher. Here we have people like Douglas Murray of Henry Jackson Society and the Gatestone Institute and an ally of Geerat Wilders, who has secured a regular slot on BBC’S political and news programmes. He has made a career out of anti Muslim/ Islam rhetoric and writings. Then we have so called historian, Tom Holland, who is benefiting from a mixture of fiction and work of others to call himself a historian. These people are supported by organisations like Quilliam and so called reformer and ex Muslims, who in my view are victims of self interest and doesn’t realise the gravity of their naivety.

We must not forget people like Paul Nuttal, who propose including religion as aggravating factor for sexual crimes committed by minority communities and not the majority community or child abuse by priests These people talk about culture erosion of Western culture erosion which cant be based on 3% Muslims in the European Union or 1% Muslims in the US. It must be based on general non white population of these countries. The previous leader of the UKIP made it easier for people to refer to Islam and Muslims being a “Fifth Column” midst of the Western society. Nigel Farage also has the ear of the President of the United States.

Increasingly I am finding it difficult to ignore the rise of the far right and neo Nazi ideology and the rise of people near to the highest office of the Western world. I wonder if we are seeing the rise of the “Fourth Reich”, not in Germany but all over the Western world. What gives me comfort is that the ordinary people are not being fooled by this sinister ideology and are rejecting the hate from all quarters.
Please read this with the this which I wrote few days ago.


  1. Phenomenal reading. Truly.

    There is nothing more far right and more Nazi-like than the radical doctrine being followed by Islamic extremists. It takes a totalitarian view in which you convert to Islam or die. In the mean time, anyone not following the salafist form is a target of terrorism.

    People are tired of Islam taking centre stage. This is not Nazism. It's not racism. It's nothingism. It's just people fed up of being targets, and then fed up of hearing about Islam (and other religions for that matter) every single day.

    Waving a flag at a rally to promote British ways of life has now turned into something you describe to be far-right. I simply don't understand your view. Every country in Europe takes pride in its culture and flag. Same is true across the Middle East and Africa. People are uniting for British society and telling these salafists that their values have no place within Britain. Do you think they do?

    Have you driven through any of the ghettos in Yorkshire and the Midlands, or in London? Britain has a problem where we have cultures, especially Islamic ones, living isolated from the rest of Britain. In these towns, English is often rarely spoken, and a drive down a high Street feels like one is abroad. That's not integration. It is segregation. The problem is it creates more divide, and you get more hateful rhetoric preached in schools and mosques about those outside of the ghetto. Don't take my word for it. There are plenty of undercover cameras in schools and mosques, and even Ofsted have recognised it.

    As for people speaking out against vigils, well, I see both sides. Don't stop the vigils. They are necessary. Respect them. Join them. However, to think they can help win against this evil is simply foolish. Love cannot beat a hate that wants to murder innocents with their guards down. We need to united of course, and we need to see beyond colour and faith. I already do. However, salafism is neither colour nor faith. It's a hateful, far right, Nazi ideology that serves nobody but the cowardly men that implement and follow it.

  2. "these people"? Very vague. You seem to be trying to smear multiple groups with multiple motives together as if they were one homogeneous group. You accuse people of "wrongthink" - having beliefs that can't possibly be true because those beliefs are very naughty. But the argument against criticism of Islam is completely missing. It's just not there. You forgot it.

  3. I'm sure The Intercept will be offering you a job any day now. You'll fit right in with those psychopaths.
