Some will call this anti-Semitic
On 10th November an Israeli sponsored account,
which spreads state propaganda, tweeted the following:
This account, Israel News Flash, tweets propaganda as "Breaking News". Account tweets are then copied to people like Tommy Robinson, Trek Fatah, KT Hopkins and dozens more by twitter account of Charlie Green who's profile shows that he is an ex diplomat.
The young Palestinian boy in this picture is one of the 80+ Palestinians, mainly teenagers, shot dead by the Israelis since the latest troubles, which started at the beginning of October. During this period 10 Israelis have also been killed. On 13th November2015 Two more Israelis were killed and one Palestinian was shot dead and over 100 were injured by live bullets at a demonstration. The Palestinians say that majority of the victims of Israeli policy of shoot to kill were unarmed and at the wrong place at the wrong time. A closer inspection of the knife placement in this picture can only strengthen the Palestinian version. The shoot to kill policy isn’t new but what is new is that it has now been legalised. The Palestinians of any age including children can now be shot and killed for any descent including for stone throwing. Young children, as young as 6/7, can be described as terrorists and imprisoned.
Its not that Israel didn’t imprison children before, it did, however,
now it can put them in front of military courts and prison them as terrorists. Furthermore, Israel continue to apply British colonial era practice of demolishing homes of Palestinians, accused of so called terrorist/ descent activity, rendering whole families homeless.

Israel’s apartheid system is often compared with the
South African system but in reality it is worse. As brutal and suppressive it
was the South African regime didn’t use tanks and fighter jets against the
black population. It did not invade neighbouring countries or sent bomber jets
to invade and bomb. It didn’t have the walls erected or watch towers installed.
It didn’t kill people at the mass scale as Israel does. It didn’t arrest and
imprison children at the unprecedented rate. It didn’t make it legal to shoot
and kill stone throwing children, It didn’t classify children and others
protesting against the inequalities as terrorists. It didn’t classify the whole
swaths of population as terrorists. It didn’t use military courts instead of
the civil courts. It didn’t implant 600,000 foreign settlers in already heavily
populated areas and armed and trained them
to kill.
During his latest visit to the United States this week, Netanyahu
has once again stated that Israel is the only safe space for his co-religious.
This is a slap in the face of all western democracies and their freedoms, which
has allowed his co-religious people to flourish without any kind of discrimination. The dangerous nature of oppressive policies of Israel are sometimes criticised by some free thinking politicians like the Swedish Foreign Minister speaking after the Paris attacks. Yet this unlikely country continues to receive political support from our politicians and most importantly monitory and military support from the US.
This account, Israel News Flash, tweets propaganda as "Breaking News". Account tweets are then copied to people like Tommy Robinson, Trek Fatah, KT Hopkins and dozens more by twitter account of Charlie Green who's profile shows that he is an ex diplomat.
The young Palestinian boy in this picture is one of the 80+ Palestinians, mainly teenagers, shot dead by the Israelis since the latest troubles, which started at the beginning of October. During this period 10 Israelis have also been killed. On 13th November2015 Two more Israelis were killed and one Palestinian was shot dead and over 100 were injured by live bullets at a demonstration. The Palestinians say that majority of the victims of Israeli policy of shoot to kill were unarmed and at the wrong place at the wrong time. A closer inspection of the knife placement in this picture can only strengthen the Palestinian version. The shoot to kill policy isn’t new but what is new is that it has now been legalised. The Palestinians of any age including children can now be shot and killed for any descent including for stone throwing. Young children, as young as 6/7, can be described as terrorists and imprisoned.

We in the west are bombarded daily with rhetoric, by trolls on social media,
newscasters and politicians like Boris Johnson, that Israel is a modern western
democracy. Also that she is the only democracy in the Middle East. Yet I can’t think
of a time when this so called democracy wasn’t involved in the suppressive and
discriminatory behaviour towards the Palestinians and others living under her
rule. This behaviour has been universally condemned, well almost universally. In fact
Israel is the only country in the world which has broken/ ignored as many UN
resolutions as the years of her existence. Not forgetting a bunch of
resolutions which have been vetoed by the United States of America. No wonder
Israel behaves like a villainous Mini Me and continues to apply the most brutal,
discriminatory and apartheid practices against the Palestinians, Arabs and
other minorities.
The fact is that Israel didn’t evolve as an organic
nation but more like a creation of science fiction. What I mean is that Israel
didn’t come to being because the people had always lived there and had gained
independence and nationhood like many of the nations in existence today.
Israeli story is more akin to a science fiction where aliens land from another
planet. Like the Science Fiction, Israelis were given permission to settle in Palestine
by the earth power, which at the time happened to be the British. Then in the
fashion of sci fi they turned on the power that gave them sanctuary and the
indigenous locals. They went on a terrorising spree of killing and expulsion of not only the
indigenous population but also the British Imperialists.
Israel’s relation with fiction has continued throughout
her existence. From divine right to supposed ancestral home to reliant on Hasbara
to spread fictional rhetoric. Israel and her supporters spread the rhetoric of
being a modern democracy with civilised values. However, when it comes to the
reality the picture is anything but that. It is a portrait of dark colonialism and suppressive apartheid.
Where mistreatment of minorities, migrants, Palestinians in the occupied
territories and in Gaza is a daily reality. Where exists a deliberate policy of
discrimination, use of deadly force and suppression. Where intolerance shows in the shape of imprisonment, racial abuse of African migrants. Where claims of gay
friendly atmosphere are made but gay pride is attacked and you will have no open doors for sanctuary to gays fleeing persecution. Where criticism of state is banned and so is flying of Palestinian flag. Where you will be denied visa to visit, even to co religious, if state considers that you have been involved in the activity of criticising the state of Israel and her policies of suppression.
Fiction, lying, racism, discrimination, use of deadly
force iaren’t limited to rogue elements, it is the official state policy. It starts from the top
with the Prime Minister Netanyahu, his advisors, spokes persons, cabinet
ministers and the Knesset. We all know the racist broadcast by Netanyahu during
the elections, warning that Arabs are voting in droves. His most daring fiction came with attempts to rewrite the history and to rehabilitate
Hitler by shifting the blame for holocaust on to the Palestinians and
Muslims. It seems that he has started to believe his own Islamophobic propaganda
and that can’t be good sign for a person leading a country.
Israel and
Netanyahu are aided and abetted by a group of fiction writers and propagandist.
They hold onto the scripted lies and spread the fictional idea of Modern
Western Democracy. More often than not they also share Israeli Ideals of
racism, discrimination, inhumanity and war. Whether it is the Gatestone
institute, Bill Maher, Tommy Robinson, Henry Jackson Society and Douglas Murray, they all
spread Islamophobia, racism against the refugees and advocate bombing of other
countries. Others include new atheists like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris and self
declared reformed radical Maajid Nawaz.
The hypocrisy of people like Douglas Murray and others is
breathtaking. They cry that Syrian and other refugees coming to Europe of ½
billion people will affect Jodeo-Christian culture of Europe (even
after acceptance of the refugees Muslims will only be approx 3.5% of the
European population). The same people who oppose resettlement of refugees in
Europe fervently support the Netanyahu’s policy of importing co-religious to
already overpopulated occupied territories of Palestine, where settlers now make
approx 30% of the West Bank/ occupied territories.
These fiction writer Israeli supporters conveniently
ignore at least 50 pieces of Israeli legislation, discriminating against the
20% of the “Israel proper” population of Arabs, affecting their family life from Marriage
to buying a house. Then there are Palestinians living in the occupied
territories in the West Bank. They face daily barrage of bullets, abuse and
humiliation, not only from the ever present security forces but also from the armed
settlers. The settlers have not only stolen their land, both residential and
farming, they have the audacity to claim that they are doing favours by employing
Palestinians as slave labour. These settlers are an extremist bunch on par with
the IS, Indian RSS and Myanmar’s extremist Buddhists. Settler’s extremism and
radicalism is many time greater than Maajid Nawaz’s greatly embellished

We must remember the 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza, who
have been subjected to an ongoing medieval style siege. They are surrounded from
all sides with no prospects in Gaza and have no chance to escape to better
their lives. Along with the walls and barbed wire, they are monitored from Military ships, drones
and from time to time bombed by military jets. Last year over 2000 including 500 children of Gaza were killed and hundreds of homes were destroyed by what could only be described as mad army. Their lives, livelihoods, health
provisions, education, ability to farm and build homes are all subject to control.
There homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, power stations and even beaches have
been bombed by Israel. They don’t even have control of the safe water supplies.

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