an outspoken Muslim gains some prominence, sooner or later they find themselves
targeted by a campaign to discredit and undermine them. We have seen it time
and time again. The list includes Journalists Mehdi Hasan, journalists and
editorial staff of the Guardian and most recently Assed Baig of the Channel 4
News. Muslim Politicians and elected officials like Mayor of Tower Hamlet, MPs
and Members of the House of Lords, etc also come under attack. Currently
London's mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan MP is in the firing line from the opponents
including the Prime Minister. Prime Minister used the parliamentary privilege
to attack Sadiq Khan, the leader of the opposition and made unsubstantiated claims
of extremism against an Imam Suliman Gani.
Then there are the Muslim student
bodies which come under sustained attack. So when we see attacks on Malia
Bauattia, newly elected president of the Student Union, it is neither shocking
nor surprising. Furthermore, Muslim groups and individuals highlighting
injustices, raising concerns about inequality and discrimination are constantly
targeted in the mainstream and social media. Even Muslim children and their
education doesn’t escape the scrutiny. Parents Teachers and school governing
bodies have all come under attack on the whim of zealot officials and sensationalist
don't need to say or do anything to be subjected to this scrutiny, just need to
declare you are a Muslim. However, if you happen to be outspoken Muslim or in
the public eye, you will be targeted by certain people to who would devote time
and resources to find something incriminating, no matter how old or irrelvat. A
recent example of this is the case of a 20 year old Muslim councillor, Aysegul
Gurbaz, who may have posted 3-4 tweets between the age of 14 and 18. Another
recent example was the attack on Assed Baig, again for 3- 4 tweets 2-5 year old
and tweeted long before his employment with the Channel 4 News. In the first
case the incriminating discovery was made by the campaign against anti-Semitism
and in the second case by Guido Fauks, a right wing political blog. Both cases
then appeared in the Daily Mail.
am certain that I will be branded anti-Semite and not anti fascist for what I
am about to say. In all of the above cases two things are prominent Israel
lobby along with the right wing establishment supporting media. The question is
why deploy resources, both human and in monitory terms, to try to dig dirt on
Muslim individuals and organisations. They do not deploy these resources on
every Journalist, politician, student body, education establishment, etc.
Talking of students and educational bodies, when so called Trojan Horse story
was in the news we saw helicopters flying around taking pictures of schools,
teachers, governors, parents and pupils. The same situation occurred in the
case of the Iqra school. There was no privacy and no concerns about the safety
of the people being filmed. Compare that to the recent story of missing boys
and the illegal and unsafe schools of the Jewish community. The reporters were
prohibited from identifying students, teachers and the locations of schools.
There was no interrogation of Jewish leaders instead the BBC Newsnight
presenter had a very civilised almost jovial conversation with various Jewish
leaders, politicians and educationalists. There was no outrage at their support
for such schools.
all these people who attack Muslims call themselves "liberals" but
what does it really mean. One definition I found says "willing to respect
or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own". These so called
liberals have closed minds and are not open to discussion and debate. They have
scripted rhetoric and ideas which they want to enforce on others. They not only
abuse and misuse the term liberal they also abuse other terms like moderate and
medieval. To be moderate is to be average, modest and ordinary but these
individuals have extreme views about monitoring activities of Muslims from
birth to death, labelling them from Islamist to extremist and demonising them
in a way that it restricts their opportunities.
As far as the term medieval is
concerned, historically it refers to the era between year 500 to 1500 after the
loss of Roman Empire. Everything related to this term relates to history of disarray
in the European continent. It has nothing to do with the rest of the world's
civilisation, culture, trade and inventions. Basically people are judging rest
of the world with their own bad history. Their limited knowledge of the rest of the
world and historyis not based on reality but tainted by own experiences.
Nick Cohen wrote a piece titled Why I am becoming a Jew and Why you
should, too . This piece is an attack on the left in particular the Labour
Party and Jeremy Corbyn, Muslims of the West and alleged rise in the anti-Semitism.
This is not the first time he has written on this subject, in fact the article
is a rehash of his article written in 2009. There is a
common thread in both articles warning left to stay away from Muslims in Europe
and that Muslims and dark skinned people are the new fascists of Europe.
The Article doesn't mention of the modern day white far right and neo Nazi groups sweeping through Europe. This is
probably because they have been persuaded that presence of the dark skinned
minorities/ Muslims is the only threat to the Judeo-Christian Europe. Jist of the argument, in both articles, is the same, only thing which has
changed is that Nick is no longer a member of the Labour party and there is
more emphasis on the left in particular attacks on the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn. Could it be that the party embraces
true liberal principles and it is on the side of the ordinary people that provides
minorities including Muslims; support and opportunity to participate in the
democratic political process.
Mr Cohen continuously talks about anti-Semitism, which by the way is more to do
with his affinity with the state of Israel, he denies the existence of
Islamophobia. He regularly criticises Muslims, Islam and Palestinians but says
nothing about the excessive persecution and suppression of Palestinians. He
doesn’t criticise the fundamentalist religious coalition which is in power in
Israel and their two tier justice system. The fact that the state of Israel
governs over as many Jews as Arab and Palestinians with Muslim and Christian
faith, criticism of Israel can not be considered anti-Semitic. Only way it
could be regarded as anti-Semitic if Israel is considered solely religious
Jewish state which will be contrary to the position of her and her supporters that
Israel is a modern democratic state.
he admit or not Nick Cohen not only promotes a certain rhetoric which can only
be described as racist Islamophobia. Furthermore, time and time again he comes to the defence
of others involved in the same activity. A classic example is this article in the Spectator. The
headline states that “Richard Dawkins attacks Christian bigots as well as
Muslim”. But when you read the article he doesn't provide any example of
attacks on Christians. Nick Cohen uses the classic form of defence by attacking Muslims and in a convoluted way he justifies Richard Dawkins
racist and Islamophobic activity. He talks about Nahla Mehmoud and how she had suffered
in Sudan. Would he do the same for Malia Bauattia, who had fled terror in
Algeria, only to find herself facing racism, discrimination and accused of anti-Semitism
and being supporter of terrorism. Would he criticise this article by Hannah Weisfeld which
belittles NUS motion against anti-Semitism, passed with the support of Malia Bauattia

Cohen, an atheist, has seen the light and has accepted that he is a Jew and want others to be the same. He is not alone to show such sentiment about his religeon. The reality is that New atheism is all about religion and most of its figure heads
have affinity with their or their parents. Be it Richard Dawkins who
has more than soft spot for Christianity or Sam Harris who supports Israel
because of his Jewish roots.
a Jewish man to become a Jew is not really a big step, and it hasn't made a slight bit of difference to his rhetoric. Nick Cohen should try to
be a Muslim for a week or just for one day, may be then he would realise how
hateful and hurtful his rhetoric really is.