If you, are in the public eye, want to be in public service, grandstand on serious issues, lecture people on issues of morality and claim to be above the ordinary person in the street then you must be beyond reproach. If you want to be taken seriously, you must have a strong character. Without the depth of character and conviction to what you preach you can’t expect to people to listen to your preaching. Without the right characteristics you are just a shallow person with no principles.
On Saturday 11th April 2014 the Daily Mail published an expose' of the Liberal Democrat candidate for the London constituency of Hampstead and Kilburn and the Chairman of the Quilliam Foundation, Maajid Nawaz. The Headline read : “Caught on camera: Married Lib Dem 'feminist' who is running for Parliament is filmed with stripper in drunken night of temptation”.
The Manager of the establishment told Daily Mail that “he (Maajid Nawaz) was ‘very drunk’ and bouncers threatened to throw him out several times. He was asking her to touch him and he was touching her,’ he (Manager) said. ‘In general he was quite persistent with her, asking to take her out and for her number.’ ”
The article raised important questions about the character and behaviour of the self proclaimed “extremism expert”, “feminist” and “religious reformist ”. His spokesperson said that Maajid Nawaz was a "feminist in the context of Islamic extremism" only. Everyone want to know what that means, and we are still waiting. You are either a feminist or you are not, this convoluted definition of his feminism doesn’t wash. While Maajid tweeted that he had a stag night last summer others were left scratching head at his blasé' attitude.

The only blog which came close to condemning Maajid's behaviour was by J P Sargeant, although even he asked for clarification from Maajid thann outright condemn it.
Others who join the Maajid's chorus of Islmaist and Misogyny decided to go with the deflection. For example Sara Khan of Inspire wrote this to attack Muslims in general than condemn Maajid's actions. Its seems that like Maajid's feminism in the extremist context, Sara's feminism and misogyny rhetoric is also in the Muslim extremist context. While it may be hard for her to condemn Maajid's behaviour, she could still have condemned the behaviour of his supporters who justified Maajid's behaviour by saying that strippers should expect harassment from punters like Maajid.
Another friend of Maajid, Iram Ramzan, used the Left Foot Forward platform (not stranger to attacking Muslims in general) to write this , again mainly to attack those who condemned his behaviour. She reiterated that Maajid wasn't a "devout" Muslim and not a spokesperson for Muslims. The other ridiculous defence being made is that Maajid wasn’t married at the time and that his son lives with his first wife. As thought morals and character only applicable in certain circumstances and if those conditions are not met then its ok to be lecherous towards females.
The real hypocrisy is that Maajid and his followers have always said that you don’t need to be religious to be a good person. They always claimed a high moral ground over those they call "Islamists". Furthermore, Maajid Nawaz, while appearing on the media, all over Europe and the North America, claimed that he wanted to reform Islam to bring in line with the values of today. He and his supporters always blamed the criminal behaviour and bad behaviour within the minority Muslim communities on their heritage culture and religion not the society they grew up in. Today, however, they are moving the goal posts and saying it is normal and legal to visit a strip bar and allegedly harass the women who are trying to make a living. As though they don’t have the right to a dignity. Some of these women and girls are students trying to pay for decent education and hopefully a better career.
Maajid Nawaz finally issued a statement titled, A planned and sustained attack campaign against reform-minded Muslims. While he offers a kind of apology to his wife, while stating that she was aware of his actions, and his son, he spends the rest of the statement claiming victimhood and attacking others. He claims that he is a victim of a sustained attacks to dehumanise him but the proceeds to defame others by calling them regressive and that they aspire to stone people. This in reality is the real dehumanisation campaign, Maajid and his fellow phobes are involved in on daily basis. He perpetuate myths created by people like Ayaan H Ali and Sam Harris that Muslim and Islam are not compatible with the western values. He gives credence to Ayaan H Alis's assertion that only way to solve the Muslim problem is by the use of force. She is not satisfied with the deaths of 4 Million Muslims and claims there are 400 million dangerous Muslims who need to be targeted. His friend Sam Harris dehumanises Palestinians by agreeing with Israeli assertions that they use their children as human shields.
The common theme in the statements of Maajid Nawaz, Sara Khan and Iram Ramzan is, the attacks on one the whistle blowers and the attacks on one individual, Dilly Hussain. The other common rhetoric is to attack Muslim men in general and to ignore the women who also commented and condemned his behaviour. So it seems that they want to present this myth that the Muslim societies are mainly patriarchal societies. This ignoring of the role of the strong Muslim women in the society is in itself sexist and Misogynistic and need to be challenged.
Whether Maajid Nawaz likes to drink or to visit "gentleman's clubs is not the issue, the issue is the character and attitude of selective morality. The issue is, whether such person has the credibility to lecture people on the important issues of liberalism, extremeism and religeon.