Wednesday, 24 September 2014

9/11 and Other Anniversaries

Another anniversary of the 9/11 has passed with another President of the US using the occasion to declare another war. The terminology and the rhetoric of evil, barbaric, genocidal, etc is also back. There is no change in the belief of exceptionalism of the America and the Americans in particular and the west in general. It seems no lessons have been learnt from the tragic events of the 9/11 and the actions prior to and after the event.
Like most people my day on 9/11 began as normal, a bus journey followed by train ride and a walk to work. As usual I had a scone and cup of tea for breakfast at my desk. Just before I was to go out for a sandwich a colleague approached me and said that he had heard the news on the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the high rise buildings of the World Trade Centre. We were both anxious about the safety of the passengers and the people in the building. That was just the start and as the second plane hit the second tower we started to wonder if this was accidental or deliberate act. When towers fell we were aghast like everyone else in the world. Everyone was saying that they didn’t expect towers to crumble the way they did.
Whatever the motives of the people who allegedly carried out the attacks, it has had a lasting effect on all but especially the lives of Muslims settled in the West and the Muslim in the world at large.
While we don’t know the motives of the alleged hijackers what we know from the information available is that the majority were from Saudi Arabia and all were Arabs. There is no evidence that they had visited Afghanistan or Pakistan. They were students who had studied in the Europe and had freely visited US. They were from well off backgrounds and there were no signs of any disaffection from society. Furthermore, there were no signs of any abnormal affiliation with so called extremism. Everything points to a political motive not the alleged religious extremism.
It is often said that the attack on the twin towers was an unprovoked attack. Furthermore, it’s claimed that it is more to do with religion than politics. I don’t see this in these simplistic terms.
Because the West continues to blame Muslims and their religion, Let us look at the Muslim world before 9/11 and what had happened in years preceding. The US and the West had interfered in the internal affairs of many countries and supported the suppression of people by unelected dictators. They had used countries like Pakistan and Iraq to fight proxy wars without caring about the effects of such wars on the ordinary people. No consideration is given to the lasting effects of wars on the population in terms of social, economic and the loss of life.
In Afghanistan, during the proxy war between Russia and US 1979-1989, an estimated 1,500,000 civilians plus 100,000 fighters were killed. Furthermore, around 3 million Afghan civilians were wounded, most of them children. Also 7 million Afghans had been displaced of which 5 million refugees are hosted by Pakistan to this day.
This proxy war also set the precedent of using religion, private funding and the use of foreign fighters / Mujahidin, sponsored by US and Saudi Arabia.  
Afghanistan historically had been closer to the USSR than the US. USSR had heavily invested in Afghanistan during the 70’s, building Kabul University, civil infrastructure, power plants and local schools. They also established universities in other provinces. In contrast when the proxy war ended in 1989, the US and their allies left Afghanistan in the hands of warring warlords. There was no development or rebuilding. The foreign fighters were not encouraged to go back to their countries. There was no help for them to go back and readjust to normal life. The void was filled by the Taliban who had come out of the religious madrassas (A form of basic schooling) in the refugee camps, only form of education available to the refugees..  
Let us not forget the ongoing impact of this war on Pakistan, economic, political and social. Before the Afghan war Pakistan’s elected Prime Minister, Zulifqar Ali Bhutto had started to distance Pakistan from the West by leaving SEATO (an equivalent treaty to NATO in the Asia) and the Common Wealth. He looked towards East and the Middle East. He had laid the foundation for a movement of united Muslim block with economic and political power. He was instrumental in the use of oil power of the Middle Eastern OPEC to resolve the outstanding disputes in the Middle East between Israel and the neighbouring countries. Furthermore, he supported the idea of punishing the US and other Western powers for their military support of Israel and their failure to resolve the Palestine issue. This resulted in the 1973 stoppage of the oil supply to the US. This forced West to arrange the evacuation of Israeli forces from the Sinai and promise to facilitate return of the Golan Heights to Syria 
Soon West resorted to the old tactics of divide and rule and find ways to remove obstacle. Bhutto had said that the “white elephant” was after him for not cooperating with them. The white elephant had a long memory and soon engineered the removal of Bhutto from his elected position. The military dictator who removed Bhutto not only supported the US’s proxy war in the Afghanistan, he divided the nation. He fuelled the communal politics in the country and sowed the seeds of sectarian violence. He also experimented with Saudi and Taliban style government in Pakistan. The Middle Eastern Unity was fractured by the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.       
The Iran/ Iraq war which began on 22nd September 1980, may have started as a dispute between the two countries but  by 1982 US openly came to support Iraq. The US support to Iraq came in the form of technological, intelligence, the sale of chemical and biological warfare technology and satellite intelligence. No objections were raised at the use of such chemical and biological weapons by Iraq during this war. By the time the war ended, in 1988, there were between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 casualties on both sides. Furthermore, the economies of both countries had suffered an approximately $1,000 billion loss. No wonder Iraq invaded Kuwait to make up for the losses. We know that US ambassador had given a nod to this invasion but it seems that Kuwait’s wealth had a bigger allure and soon US switched sides, which lead to the first Iraq war.
The first Iraq war in 1991 was seen as humiliation of the Iraqi people and massacre of its armed forces described as Turkey shoot, only added to the frustration of Middle Eastern population. The Saudi population was unhappy about the use of their territory to attack Iraq. Their anger got worse when US forces were allowed to station at a base in the Kingdom. While the war was over in days, what followed had a profound effect on the populations of the Middle East. While the people had little objections to the dismantling of the chemical weaponry, they objected to the crippling sanctions which had reduced the oil rich modern developing society to a poor third world country.
The sanctions are nothing but a modern version of the medieval siege of people to force them surrender. This siege of Iraq caused deaths of 5000,000 children from malnutrition and curable diseases.  
Then came Bosnia conflict, from 1992-95, which resulted in loss of life of a minimum of 2,000,000 including 12,000 children. Deaths include victims of genocide and massacres as well as starvation and exposure to the elements due to living in hiding.  At least 50,000 Muslim women were the victims of organised campaign of rape. Mass graves are still being discovered and this year remains of 284 victims have been discovered and 10,000 people are still missing. The conflict forced 2,200,000 to flee their homes. There was resistance to Muslims being given refuge in the West. Suggestions were made to ship them to Pakistan and the Middle East but eventually they were allowed in.
The Bosnian conflict had a profound effect on the young Muslims living in the West including students. They saw how the West was treating the European Muslims and they wanted to help. The Second and third generation Muslims who were trying to find their identity, found a cause they could relate to and in the process found their identity. They became active in raising funds, visited Bosnia and helped refugees to settle in the West.
Then there is the ongoing plight of the Palestinians who have now lived under occupation for more than 60 years. Israel has massacred Palestinians, not only in Palestine but in the refugee camps in other countries. Anniversary of one such massacre has just passed. This massacre also happened in September in 1982, in the camps of Sabra and shatila, Lebanon.  In just 3 days, from 9/16-18 appr. 3,500 men women and children were massacred by Israel. Israeli forces were lead by Aerial Sharon, who was never brought to Justice for the inhumane war crimes. Instead he held ministerial posts and became Israeli Prime Minister. He was welcomed with open arms in the US. This is just one example of the most heinous monstrosities committed against the Palestinians by Israel supported by the West in general and the US in particular.  Despite continuous suppression of Palestinian and other minorities in Israel and medieval style siege of Gaza, there are no sanctions against Israel.

Apart from the above there are other conflicts where Muslims face suppression, oppression, murder and rape. They include Kashmir, Philippine, China, Burma, Sri Lanka but find no support from the West. On the other hand Muslim countries are forced to relinquish territory e.g. East Timor, South Sudan. Since the 9/11 rise in Islamophobia and attacks on Muslims and mosques has made life difficult in the West. The term terrorist has lost its original meaning and now every country is using it to suppress political opponents, freedom fighters, insurgents and more. Apart from the West, where its used to curtail freedoms and justify draconian legislation, prime example are Palestinian and Kashmiri resistance.    
If there is anybody who has benefited from the tragedy of 9/11 it is Israel. This has been stated by none other than the Likud leader and the current Prime Minister of Israel. Netanyahu is of course right and its evident from the actions of Israel. Israel has, grabbed more and more land from the Palestinians, build more settlements, killed more civilians, demolished more Palestinian homes, waged wars on PA and Gaza, scuppered all attempts to reach a peace deal, etc. More importantly Israel has developed an Islamophobic narrative and spread it through alliances. These alliances include the normal suspects like AIPAC and new alliances with the neo-Nazi, nationalist, racist, atheist and neocon groups in the US and the West. While spreading hate of Muslims and Islam, Israel has openly promoted Judaism and used the first Testament to recruit Christians on her side. Israel has declared itself as a Jewish state that mean all new laws are influenced by the Jewish Law which is used to apply the two tier Judicial system.
While spreading lies about the Mosques, Israel has successfully used Synagogues in the West to recruit young men to enlist in its armed forces. These young men are radicalised in Israel and sent back to spread the hate and intimidate the dissenting voices in the Jewish community. We are already seeing the effects of this on the streets of Britain in form of attack on George Galloway MP and intimidation of a Rabbi in Manchester .      

Tony Blair often speaks about the Kosovo conflict and how he saved Muslims from ethnic cleansing and possible genocide. He was fully aware of the resistance in the Europe to Muslim refugees from Bosnia. He acted in self preservation and wallowed in the popularity he received in the bargain.
Coming back to 9/11 and its aftermath, I don’t think I need to talk about the occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Human rights abuses, war crimes, torture and loss of over 1,000,000 lives. I don’t need to mention millions of refugees and its impact on the region. I don’t need to highlight the emergence of sectarian, communal and divisive politics and conflicts. I don’t need to remind people about the creation of failed state in Libya and economic impact on the neighbouring African nations. I don’t need to state the rise and fall of the Arab Spring and Democracy and the military coup in Egypt. Syria is an ongoing problem for the last 3 years with a death toll nearing 200,000 and millions of refugees and now another conflict in Iraq.   
I don’t even want to question the flimsy and false evidence used to wage wars in the Afghanistan and Iraq. You all know about the false evidence used to invade Iraq but generally believe that Afghanistan was responsible because it hosted former friend of the US Osama bin Laden. Question is whether any evidence exists of his involvement. All we know is that the crime was pinned on him on the flimsy line in a conversation in a wedding video. The line was “we didn’t expect the towers to fall”. As I said at the beginning that everyone was asking the same question. The media spent a great deal of time in analysing and speculating about the same question.
Finally, on the basis of the list of suspects provided by the US and the evidence pointing to the political motives of the alleged perpetrators. The evidence also suggests that, neither Afghanistan nor Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. Why then both countries were attacked, invaded and  occupied. It is clear that US acted in own interest to make an example but not because they were guilty but because taking action against the Saudi Arabia and its citizens, was not in her interest. Instead both Saudi Arabia and the US had worked jointly in Afghanistan and were aware of the devastation they had left behind. Saudi Arabia and possibly Israel persuaded US and the West about the danger of perceived influence of Osama Bin Laden in the Muslim world. This was then used to attack and occupation. However, they didn’t expect this adventure to turn into a nightmare. Attack on Iraq was also part of the strategy to protect allies Saudi Arabia and Israel.  
It seems to me that diplomacy and negotiations are dead and every dispute is resolved by threat or actual use of force. Even so called alliances of the willing are created by threats like, "you are with us against us". There are no thinking political leaders and we and the politicians are being lead by the mainly incompetent media with their own interests. Everyday more and more people are falling victim to this policy which says I will let my fist do the talking. Everyday more children, women, men are being killed and everyday is an anniversary of the increasing number of victims of the new reality.